Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Blogging: Take Two.

When you’re a writer, the most important thing you have to do is write.  Generally the consensus is that a good writer writes every day to get the habit of producing words down and instead of letting the muses come to you, the process of writing allows you to call upon them even if it means they were sitting on the can.

I am not one of these writers.

Most often, I write in my head.  The concepts build until they create an explosion similar to the morning after a night of drunken antics and guzzling an entire bottle of Sriracha.  This word-poop-explosion takes place and I end up with a piece of fiction.  Of course, it still goes through the editing process (which is a different story) and then it leaves my hands to go be rejected to every literary journal I find interesting.  This is the best way for me to keep writing.  Although the process itself is not very healthy to myself as a writer (and you should never hold all your poop in, just let it happen) the more I do it, the more frequently it happens and some day I will be able to be one of those writers who produces something tangible every day.

My process is also why I don’t blog.  Blogging requires that you write frequently and try to keep it interesting enough that you generate a pool of readers that actually enjoy reading what will eventually transform into ranting about how much crap pisses you off.  As a naturally angry person, I skipped all that and resigned that all my rants would be kept in my over-the-top and in ALL CAPS Facebook statuses.  I really want to blog, but then I am faced with another problem.

What the hell do I write about?

Frankly, with the absolute explosion of Nerd and Geek Culture in the world, (i.e. people who would have made fun of me in my childhood for my love of comics, sci-fi, and Batman somehow get tickets to the revered San Diego Comic Con and talk about how much they love all the panels for movies and shows) women like myself come a dime a dozen.  There are also many who tout themselves as “geek girls” or “gamer girls” who truly give us a really bad name mostly wrapped up in fluffy pink bullshit.  However, this is where—especially lately—my desires have continued to return.

Reading some of my current favorite bloggers and all the hubbub from the recent Comic Con has revived really great childhood memories from a very early age.  The earliest I can remember—before my first sibling was born, actually—I loved Batman.  In the late 80’s, reruns of the series starring Adam West and Burt Ward is what kept me busy in the living room of our trailer for an hour.  I remember running around our coffee table inexhaustibly chanting, “Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na…” and falling on the floor in the crescendo of, “BATMAAAAAN.”  This was how my life began, and it is exactly how it continued.

Now, when nerdy stuff happens that the child inside of me approves of, I wave my muppet arms in the air and sing songs of praise.  I enjoy being a very nerdy and geeky woman and feel I have a lot to say on the matter.  I also enjoy playing video games.  Even though I suck a lot (not because I’m a girl, but because I am really out of practice), gaming is always fun.

So, I give you something about writing, Nerd & Geek Culture, and gaming.  I can’t promise it will be good or that it will be very consistent, but I can promise it will be honest and probably have a lot of shameless self-promotion.

And probably a lot of discussion about poop.

See you soon.